Roy’s Blog: “Faith” in a new tab)

Hebrews 11:6 “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.”

Such a short verse to pack in so much meaning. That’s really all we have to have is faith that God will do what He says, all the things outlined in the Bible. We don’t have to sacrifice animals (or children). We don’t have to keep constant rituals to placate an angry god. We only need to follow God in faith that He keeps His promises to His children.

A lot of people are on edge, uneasy about the future. Terrorism, wars and rumors of wars, the economy, political and social unrest are virtually everywhere. How do you handle that kind of stress? The answer is FAITH!

Love God with all your heart, and have faith. “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

Faith is trusting God to make the impossible–possible.

Faith is obeying God when I don’t understand, when I can’t see how the problem could ever be solved. It takes no faith if you can see all the answers first. But, in spite of the trouble and turmoil, where no end is in site, you trust God to provide…that is faith.

Faith is thanking God before your prayers are answered. Every day you wake up and thank the Lord. We can’t see heaven, can’t even imagine what it will be like, but thank the Lord, He said He has gone to prepare a place for us and He keeps His promises! He promised to come again to take us there.

Thank you Lord–in advance! I put my trust in You in faith.

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